10.06.24 – 14.06.24, Amandine David & Laboratorium, Les Marrées
Every summer, green algae cover the beaches of Brittany.
Every morning, human workers and backhoe loaders clean it.
The accumulation of algae on Breton coasts is generated by industrial farming that reject big quantities of nitrates in soils and rivers. The cleaning of beaches, done daily during summer, reduces the risk hydrogen sulphide poisoning created by the decomposition of algae. Cleaning algae becomes also a way to make questions disappear from the landscapes.Instead of treating solely visible symptoms, how could this pollution be stopped? How can we reinvent the relation between our agricultural model and our environment?”
From 10th of June till 14th of June Laboratorium will show its most recent collaboration with Amandine David. You can find the small expo at the Glazen Gang on campus Bijloke.
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent
finissage: 14.06.2024, 19:00