external vacancies

You will find all current vacancies on the job platform of HOGENT. For external vacancies, anyone who qualifies according to the job description can apply, including employees or teachers already employed by KASK & Conservatorium and/or HOGENT.

Apply for open vacancies

Artistiek gastdocent industrieel weven (15%)
Deadline: 23.06.24

Artistiek gastdocent en titularis 2de bachelor textielontwerp (30%)
Deadline: 23.06.24

Gastdocent jazz piano (35%)
Deadline: 26.06.24

internal vacancies

As an employee of HOGENT and KASK & Conservatorium, you can apply for another position in the organisation if you qualify according to the job description. You will also find these vacancies on the job platform.

Apply for open vacanciesWWW

internal call

Ombuds persons KASK & Conservatorium (10 and 20%)

KASK & Conservatorium wil een veilige en zorgzame leer- en werkomgeving voor studenten en medewerkers creëren met aandacht voor de noden en drempels van diverse doelgroepen.

We moedigen jou aan om te solliciteren en houden in het selectieproces enkel rekening met je kwaliteiten, mogelijkheden en competenties.

KASK & Conservatorium wil twee collega’s een opdrachtpercentage geven (20% en 10%) voor de taak van ombudspersoon. De opdracht heeft een duurtijd van 4 jaar met de mogelijkheid om daarna te verlengen. Zowel collega’s van het onderwijzend personeel als van het administratief en technisch personeel komen in aanmerking voor deze oproep.

Belangrijk: de rol van ombudspersoon kan niet opgenomen worden voor de eigen studenten en rechtstreekse collega’s.


  • Als ombudspersoon fungeer je als contactpersoon en bemiddelaar bij geschillen tussen studenten en één of meer personeelsleden. De geschillen houden verband met de toepassing van het onderwijs- en examenreglement, alsook met onbillijk ervaren handelingen en beoordelingen.
  • Je behandelt onderwijs- en examenklachten en zet de nodige stappen om tot een oplossing te komen: je beoordeelt de ontvankelijkheid van de klacht, voert bemiddelingsgesprekken en informeert de betrokken partijen over regelgeving, procedures en de voortgang in het dossier of je verwijst door naar andere diensten.
  • Je zorgt ook voor de administratieve opvolging van het dossier.
  • Daarnaast kan je meewerken aan de ontwikkeling en implementatie van het beleid rond de ombudswerking.


  • Je kan je discreet en diplomatisch opstellen.
  • Je behoudt je onpartijdigheid te allen tijde. Luisteren doe je zonder te oordelen.
  • Je handelt consequent, communiceert helder en bent hierin zelfreflectief.
  • Je beschikt over de nodige sociale en communicatieve vaardigheden om (bemiddelings)gesprekken te voeren. Je bent bereid je bij te scholen in gesprekstechnieken of technieken voor conflicthantering.
  • Je denkt en handelt oplossingsgericht.
  • Je bent nauwkeurig en nauwgezet in je administratie.
  • Je bent vertrouwd met het hoger kunstonderwijs en bent bereid je te verdiepen in het onderwijs- en examenreglement van KASK & Conservatorium en de bijhorende procedures.
  • Je bent stressbestendig en flexibel. Je kan omgaan met piekbelastingen. Je bent zeker beschikbaar tijdens en na examenperiodes.
  • Je hebt interesse in de specifieke leer- en werkomgeving die KASK & Conservatorium is en waar de persoonlijke en artistieke ontwikkeling van studenten centraal staat.
  • Je hebt voeling met en respect voor de diverse studentenpopulatie van KASK & Conservatorium.
  • Je geeft blijk van een positieve betrokkenheid bij het pedagogisch project van KASK & Conservatorium in het bijzonder en van HOGENT in het algemeen.


Wij bieden twee opdrachten van 4 academiejaren, met ingang van 23-09-2024, voor 10% en 20% van een voltijdse opdracht. Na de eerste termijn van 4 academiejaren kan je opdracht opnieuw met een termijn van 4 academiejaren verlengd worden.

-Voor statutaire personeelsleden (OP en ATP) aangesteld voor bepaalde, onbepaalde duur of vastbenoemd:

Het opdrachtvolume wordt verrekend in je huidige opdracht.

-Voor contractuele personeelsleden aangeworven voor bepaalde of onbepaalde duur:

Het opdrachtvolume wordt verrekend in je huidige opdracht of betekent een uitbreiding als gastdocent of contractueel onderwijzend personeel.

Je behoudt je barema (onderwijzend personeel) of salarisschaal binnen je functieklasse (administratief personeel), met inbegrip van opgebouwde geldelijke anciënniteit.


Met vragen over de betrekking kan je via mail terecht bij Rilke Broekaert, coördinator personeelsaangelegenheden (

Kandidaatstelling en selectieprocedure

Kandideren gebeurt via deze link uiterlijk tot en met 21-06-2024. Alleen tijdige kandidaatstellingen worden aanvaard. Je kandidaatstelling bevat een motivatiebrief en CV.

De procedure start met een preselectie op basis van de profielbeschrijving. Kandidaten waarvan het dossier aantoont dat ze hieraan voldoen, worden uitgenodigd voor een gesprek. De commissie bestaat uit de decaan, twee experten en een medewerker van de personeelsdienst. Het verslag van de selectiecommissie, samen met het advies van de Studentenraad, gaat naar de Onderwijsraad (5 september). Op basis van de adviezen en het verslag zal uiteindelijk de raad van de School of Arts de beslissing nemen op 17 september 2024.

De gesprekken gaan door op vrijdag 5 juli.


call for a 'Crip affinity group'

Call for a 'Crip affinity group'

Do you have an embodied experience of disability, chronic enduring pain or fatigue, and/or neurodivergence? Does your artistic orsoil practice intersect with this experience? Would you like to delve deep into your body and into the soil together with others who share this affinity? If so, Crip Earth (Re)Generation warmly invites you to respond to this call. Crip Earth (Re)Generation is an artistic research project at KASK & Conservatorium in Ghent. The project wants to nurture and explore relations of repair at the crossroads of artistic practice, disability and our connection to the land. For the first part of our project, we are looking to assemble a ‘crip’ affinity group of art workers and soil workers (people with experience of working the land) with a lived experience of disability.


The project positions the experience of disability not as a deviation from the norm or as an individual medical problem that needsto be ‘fixed’. In line with contemporary understandings within crip theory and disability activism, we understand disability and sickness through a socio-political lens. More specifically, we position disability as a portal towards alternative, ‘crip’ imaginings of community, resistance and systemic repair.

A ‘crip’ affinity group?

Crip Earth (Re)Generation wantsto delve into what the disabled/sick body can teach us about systemic and collective repair. We want to do thisin relation to the body we allshare: the soil. Within the container of a group of max. 15 people with a ‘crip’ affinity, oursessions will consist of somatic practice, spoken dialogue, collective reading and eating and simple, accessible and seasonal farming practices.During the sessions, we’ll also work towards a collective textile shelter design. Over the course of four seasons, our goal is to grow a Crip Earth Generation: a collective crip body of knowledge aboutsystemic repair. Towards the end of the process, the container of the ‘crip’ affinity group will work towards the articulation of a shareable practice.

More info about the project

Crip Earth (Re)Generation is an artistic research project that consists of three parts. In the first part (Autumn 2024- Autumn 2025) we will hold ten ‘crip’ affinity group sessions. These sessions will be held by Tumba Kiambi, Tineke De Meyer, Louis Vanhaverbeke and Bauke Lievens, who share an affinity with sickness and/or disability. Towards the end, the ‘crip’ affinity group will work on the articulation of a shareable practice in collaboration with Peter Aers, who will be joining the three last sessions. In a second phase (Autumn 2025 - Spring 2026), the research team will independently work on a performative audio installation. The embodied knowledge about (and practices of) repair that our Crip Earth Generation has built, will be shared with a live audience in a fictitious form through this audio work. Bauke Lievens, Tineke De Meyer, Khadija El Kharraz Alami, Janes Zeghers and a textile artist (tbc) will be involved in this second phase. In a third phase (Winter 2025 - Spring 2026), the research team will work towards a pedagogical translation of the shared knowledge about (and practices of) repair into the Drama training program at KASK & Conservatorium.

The team

Crip Earth (Re)Generation is coordinated by Bauke Lievens, the artistic research team consists of Tineke De Meyer, Tumba Kiambi, Kopano Maroga, Peter Aers, and Khadija El Kharraz Alami. In collaboration with Louis Vanhaverbeke and Janes Zeghers.

For whom?

Crip Earth (Re)Generation is looking for a diverse group of professional art and soil workers with a lived experience of disability and/or chronic enduring pain or fatigue, and/or neurodivergence. We want to assemble a fixed ‘crip’ affinity group that is balanced in terms of gender, ethnicity, (dis)ability, class and age. Please only apply if you are able to participate on a monthly basis in live meetings. While this process may have therapeutic effects, please be aware that Crip Earth (Re)Generation does not replace therapy. This space wants to offer community, slow research, collective inquiry and the potential of transformation.


‘Crip’ affinity group sessions will take place on weekdays. Lunch and dinner will be provided. English will be the working language. The sessions will take place inside and outside on the flower field of Weder (near Ghent) and in the courtyard of Korenbeek (Brussels). All locations are wheelchair accessible. There is a wheelchair accessible toilet in both locations. If needed, we can provide car transport between Brussels Midi - Korenbeek and Gent Sint Pieters - Weder. 

When and where? 

We will hold ten ‘crip’ affinity group sessions between October 2024 to July 2025, alternating between Weder and Korenbeek (click links for Google Maps). We aim for a monthly session, exact dates are to be confirmed. We will work within a fixed, regular group as much as possible. The group will consist of max. 15 people (incl. team).


  • 11:30: arrivals
  • 11:30-12:30: lunch
  • 12:45-15:15: part 1 (with 15 min walk-in + 15 min walk-out)
  • 15:15-16:00 break
  • 16:15-18:30: part 2 (with 15 min walk-in + 15 min walk-out)
  • 18:30-20:00: dinner


There is a participant fee for the ‘crip’ affinity group of € 100/session. This fee includes transport costs. A total sum of € 1000 will be paid through a volunteer’s contract at the end of the sessions. Lunch, dinner, tea & coffee will be provided.

How to apply & application process

Please fill in this FORM (written, audio and visual input possible) before 4th of July 2024. You can contact us at with questions about or problems with the application itself. Bauke Lievens, Tineke De Meyer & Tumba Kiambi will discuss the applications. Criteria for selection are group diversity in terms of how your soil practice and/or your artistic practice touch(es) upon disability. Also group diversity in terms of gender, age, (dis)ability, ethnicity and class will be taken into account. We will contact you through email with news about your application on 15th of July 2024. If you are not able to participate after all, please let us know before 20th of July 2024.


Participants of the ‘crip’ affinity group will only be part of the first phase of the project. By participating, you consent to the translation of the shared, accumulated knowledge of the affinity group into an performative audio installation and into pedagogical tools for the Drama training program (BA & MA) at KASK & Conservatorium. All information will be anonymized. Please check the consent box in the application form.

Crip Earth (Re)Generation is an initiative of The Circus Dialogues (continued), a two-to-four-year artistic research project at KASK & Conservatorium (Ghent, BE). The Circus Dialogues (continued) is financed by the Arts Research Fund of University College Ghent. 

Crip Earth (Re)Generation takes shape in collaboration with Korenbeek, weder and Back2SoilBasics.

student jobs

Job student projection KASKcinema

KASKcinema is a screening platform for films that fall outside the regular circuit, with screenings three to four nights a week from mid-September until the end of May.

As a student projectionist at KASKcinema, you will take care of the screening technique on average one to two nights a week. You will receive a short training, after which you will be solely responsible for the projection and, if necessary, further technique (lighting and microphones at talks). You will join a team of 4 to 5 projection students.


September - May 2024-2025
Hours: 20 hours/month on average. Hours can be planned flexibly.


13 euros an hour + possibility of training in 35mm and 16mm projection in addition to training in DCP and digital projection.


  • testing film before start
  • door opening and ticket control
  • possible reception of guests/speakers and technical test laptop for presentation, microphones, lighting
  • projection film (start bluray, DCP, digital - possibility afterwards 35mm and 16mm)
  • cleaning of projection booth and room after shift.
  • closing cinema


  • technical affinity
  • stress resistant
  • eye for details
  • communicative
  • experience with P.A. is a plus

How to apply?

Job student reception & bar KASKcinema

KASKcinema is a screening platform for films that fall outside the regular circuit, with screenings three to four nights a week from mid-September until the end of May. 

As a job student receptionist at KASKcinema, you are the first point of contact on a screening night. Upon arrival, you make sure the foyer is clean and cosy, you are aware of the programme, can provide everyone with the necessary information, sell tickets and drinks before the film. You remain available during the film for questions or problems. After the film, you take care of the bar and close the foyer.


  • punctuality
  • communicative and customer-oriented
  • accurate
  • passion for film is a plus

How to apply?

Send your CV and motivation before 3 July to

Job students bar & production MIRY Concert Hall


KASK & Conservatorium is looking for job students in bar and venue operations to join the production team at MIRY Concertzaal, Biezekapelstraat 9, from September 2024. Working days will be determined by mutual agreement each month according to the scheduled concerts.


  • You provide production support for concerts in MIRY Concert Hall (box office, welcoming artists, audience guidance, etc.).
  • You are responsible for bar duties in MIRY Café before, during and after the concerts.

Profile candidate

  • You are practical and hands-on
  • You preferably have an affinity with (classical) music
  • You are flexible and have the necessary availability for evening and weekend work
  • You are reliable and have the necessary sense of responsibility.
  • You are helpful, communicate with respect for staff and artists. You are aware at all times that you represent KASK & Conservatorium in your job.
  • You are precise and punctual.


  • You are studying during the academic year 2024/2025 within the Ghent University Association (UGent, HOGENT, Arteveldehogeschool, Howest)
  • You speak very good Dutch, English and you can express yourself well in French.
  • You can move easily to and from the workplace (MIRY Concert Hall, Biezekapelstraat 9, 9000 Ghent)


  • A challenging position as production student for a varied programme of (classical) music
  • Possibility of a flexible work schedule (fixed monthly)
  • Hourly wage of €11.11 as a job student, €13 as a responsible job student.

How to apply?

If you would like to apply, please forward this form and your CV to by 15 July 2024. Your application will be followed by an intake interview in July or August. You will attend the training day in early September.

Jobstudent Muziekbibliotheek

The Muziekbibliotheek of KASK & Conservatorium is looking for motivated job students to join their team for the next academic years. Are you passionate about music and interested in the library world? Do you enjoy assisting library users in their search for the right information or do you enjoy working on the cataloguing, maintenance and digitisation of special collections?

We would love to invite you to dive into our treasure trove of musical resources!


Long-term, 1 to 2 days per week


12 euro per hour


  • You are familiar with multiple genres of music and can read musical notation
  • You are a curious mind who enjoys taking on various tasks
  • You are communicative and customer-oriented
  • You are precise and have an eye for detail


  • Knowledge of music (information management) and score analysis
  • Knowledge of working in the Aleph library system, or working with other library software
  • Knowledge or technical skills regarding the use and maintenance of (playback) audiovisual material


Apply before end of September

Please send a short motivation and your CV via e-mail to