external vacancies

You will find all current vacancies on the job platform of HOGENT. For external vacancies, anyone who qualifies according to the job description can apply, including employees or teachers already employed by KASK & Conservatorium and/or HOGENT.

Apply for open vacancies

Coordinator artistic activities exhibitions (80%)
Deadline: 30.03.25

internal vacancies

As an employee of HOGENT and KASK & Conservatorium, you can apply for another position in the organisation if you qualify according to the job description. You will also find these vacancies on the job platform.

Apply for open vacanciesWWW

job interview

After an initial selection, you may be invited for an interview. Unless otherwise communicated to you, all interviews will take place at:

Campus Bijloke
Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2
9000 Ghent

View the floor plansPDF

KASK & Conservatorium wants everyone to feel at home at school If you have a temporary or permanent disability or have difficulty walking, you can use these instructions to reach the interview room.

At Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, you will find an entrance with a sloping surface. Beware, this surface consists of cobblestones. The wooden gate opens automatically.

You enter a large hall. There is a lift on your left. Once you are on the first floor, take the corridor on the left.

For the Vlerick and Malfait rooms, take the first corridor on your left.
For the Baertsoen room, continue along the corridor and take the penultimate (blue) door on your right.
The floor plans show how to get from the entrance to the different rooms.