27.09.24, 20:00, Desma, Telex Club Night
What do you do when you are 20 and your big dream is to dedicate your life to music? Ask Emma Demoor and the answer will be: go all the way and work hard for it. And that is what she does. A young maestro who has already made a name for herself here and there with her band Ventus, and is now ready, with her solo project Desma, to introduce the world to a particularly beautiful musical universe.
Desma brims with dreamy and somewhat mysterious indie pop, in which themes such as the search for identity and the big questions of life lead to catchy pop songs. Desma does not shy away from mystery, and does not easily allow itself to be pigeonholed. Dreamy and mysterious? Yes, but Desma also pushes the boundaries of electro and rock. In terms of vibe, Desma connects with bands and artists like Trixie Whitley, PJ Harvey, Wende Snijders, Tsar B and SX.
Demoor is surrounded by like-minded souls, friends-musicians she got to know at KASK & Conservatorium, and with whom she easily speaks the same musical language: Danzel Hoever (drums), Babette Rogiers (keys), Esmee Cuvelier (bass) and Robbe De Bock (guitar). A combination that already paid off in a fairly recent past: Desma won the Gent Crochet (as part of Gent Got Talent) and got a spot on the main stage of the Gentse Feesten, 2024.