
12.03.25 – 16.03.25, Kyoko Van Asselt, Frédéric Dumoulin, DIODE


A diode is a two-connected electronic component that conducts current mainly in one direction and virtually not in the opposite. Diodes are also called rectifiers because they convert alternating current into pulsating direct current.


Two studios, right above each other, separated by nothing more than a wooden floor — a thin fault line between two minds. Here, above and below each other, the work is created. In the same house, but not in the same field of vision. We know each other's work inside out, we can hear the other moving, how his work emerges through the boards. And yet our final works remain strangers to each other, untested by each other's presence. This will be a first meeting, of which we too do not yet know how it will resonate.


Frédéric Dumoulin finds endless inspiration in seas and valleys, rivers and mountains, Homeric figures, ancient ports and ancient cities. Two texts accompany him like a refrain to which he returns again and again to listen to them anew: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. It is not just the stories, but above all the language, the expression and precision of the chosen words that thrill him. Words taking wings, or the sea stretching out like a marine, violet-coloured plain. This primal, human expression possesses a freshness that he tries to capture as accurately as possible in his paintings. He searches for the core; a work is not complete until it resounds like a clear, crystalline chant.

Kyoko Van Asselt explores the layering of language by making carriers of meaning tangible - more than just writing, something on which light falls and which casts shadows. She explores how semantic shifts between French and Dutch, the origin and history of words and the foreign within one's own language acquire meaning in space. Her arrangements are not exhaustive, but increase or decrease the tensions between meanings. Sometimes she strips away language until only the carrier remains, a pendant on which words rest briefly before slipping off again. As if she kneads language flesh around its characters, a body that allows it to join the sensory world.
Louis Pasteurlaan 2,
9000 Gent
12-13.03.25, 09:00-21:00
14-16.03.25, 12:00-18:00

encounter: 13.03.25, 18:00