
01.03.24 – 04.03.24, #1Wissel.0/Whistle.1, CROX/aynitl invites LUCA / KASK & Conservatorium

Oshin Albrecht (LUCA) meets Honoré d'O (KASK & Conservatorium) & students 

  • Students LUCA: Anneleen Vanlangenakker, Bruno Heselmans, Ivanna Nejelski, Jakke Jalink, Marie Colombeen, Mila Vitakova (ov), Remco Jacobs, Ruhne De Vos
  • Students KASK & Conservatorium: Annelieke Marreel, Dauwe van Tilburg, Edith Bootsman, Hanna Alleweireldt, Marie Callaerts, Nel Clarysse, Romain Accoe, Willem Roekaers, Jean Paul Simons

Croxhapox invites KASK & Conservatorium and LUCA | School of Arts Ghent to engage in a Trajectory together. Teachers/artists with a croxhapox past are invited to develop a tailor-made project in collaboration with the croxhapox artistic team. Croxhapox invites 3x a duo of teachers (each time a duo KASK & Conservatorium / LUCA | School of Arts). These teachers have already had dealings with croxhapox in the past, as artists, solo or participated in a crox production. The invited teacher-duos together realise a presentation with their students.


i.c.w. croxhapox & LUCA
Roderoestraat 2
9000 Gent