18.03.24 – 17.05.24, Ipek Aytekin, Pantomime of Nostalgia
- In 2015 1m3 was initiated as an exhibition space dedicated to artists’ books from Kunstenbibliotheek’s collection. A guest curator is asked to make her/his selection from the library and present it within the vitrines of 1m3.
How many pantomimers have we seen and thought they had nothing to say? Some shadows cametogether to find some sort of a lie to agree on. One of them asked: “How could they know it is a lie, if we protect it with silence?” That evening shadows, faces and texts met up behind a glass door. They had this idea for the first time ever, when no-one could imagine colours. The idea that might start a lie that would last forever.“Making up a story that is never going to be told by words will kill them over and over!”
Pantomime of Nostalgia is a story that is not possible to tell. A wordless story, about something that is made up. Some stories make up themselves not for us to tell, but because there is no other way for words to come together. I let my stories be free. In this showcase, all the images chosen are based on intuition and emotions. I wanted to look at the glass, trying to see through my own reflection. Yet I wanted to look into a pair of eyes that seemed to hear all that went on, behind the glass door.