photo: Kristof Vrancken

24.11.24, 15:00, Maria Hlavajova, Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik, Art that conspires

Thinking near the exhibition Run-through, with works by artists Jelena Jureša and Aernout Mik, Maria Hlavajova will reflect on the notion of art that conspires — art that does not just represent but instead commits to the politics of dissent from the hegemonic powers that be.

Before engaging in a dialogue with the artists on the last day of their exhibition, she will speculate about this “conspiracy” as a commitment to truth and to the ideals of justice and equality. Taking inspiration from the exhibition title, she will further elaborate on art as a rehearsal of — a run-through of — various implementable imaginaries of living together, both against and in spite of the rising anti-democratic and authoritarian-populist predicament of our time.

Jelena Jureša is affiliated as an artistic researcher to KASK & Conservatorium, the school of arts of HOGENT and howest. The research project Revolt! On a refusal to sing was financed by the HOGENT Arts Research Fund.

tickets at the door

English spoken
De Garage
Onder den Toren 12A
2800 Mechelen
Art that conspires is the closing event of Jelena Jureša / Aernout Mik – Run-through (20.09.2024 – 24.11.2024).