19.04.24 – 21.04.24, Mediakunst in Tinnenpot, You’re allowed to come back
At Tinnenpot, the theatre where almost anything goes, the second-year media art students are bringing an exhibition on their own initiative and collective effort under the title You're allowed to come back.
You’re allowed to come back is an experiment during which the dichotomy of comfort and discomfort serves as a canvas for creating a dialogue between the artists and their practices. Through reflections and group discussions, the process becomes equally important to the end result, thus creating a space for the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives, but also empathy. In what ways do comfort and discomfort intersect with gender, identity and power dynamics? How do they reflect in our daily lives and shape individual experiences? You’re allowed to come back serves as a space for both individual reflection and collective dialogue. Through both personal and shared experiences it fosters empathy, connection, and an appreciation for the richness of human experience. You’re allowed to come back.
Tinnenpotstraat 21,
9000 Gent
20.04.2024, 09:00-22:00
21.04.2024, 09:00-18:00