
20.11.23 – 23.11.23, Botanical Intimacies

As part of the Botanical Intimacies Masterclass with Benny Nemer, seven masterstudents from the fine arts programme created an installation in Het Paviljoen using plant matter donated from the Ghent University Botanical Gardens. The installation, co-created by Vincent van Asten, Nancy Larosa, Kadia Doumbouya, Shoaib Zaheer, Laura Anno, Jeandré Wauters, and Malte Möller, remains on display in the Het Pavijoen until Thursday, November 23. Participating students will open the doors of Het Paviljoen and briefly discuss their creation process on Thursday at 10:00.

public moment
23.11.2023, 10:00
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent