photos, Isaac Ponseele
Jumping Fences
Jumping Fences introduces Paola Siri Renard for the opening of their residency project at Het Paviljoen.
Renard connects her sculptures to the space and history of this exhibition space. To come and see the resulting work (dazzling) wardrobe invites reflection on the evolution of the site through her micro-architectures.
Jumping Fences
Jumping Fences is een project van het postgraduaat curatorial studies in Het Paviljoen
met de steun van Alles Kan, Duvel & KIOSK
met de steun van Alles Kan, Duvel & KIOSK
gecureerd door
Paula Swinnen, Manon Laverdure, Lisa Verhaege, Karel Op ’t Eynde, Justine McKenna, Ismini Kyritsis, Camille Van Meenen, Sina Eden, & Hugo Roger
Paola Siri Renard, Jan Vandeplancke, Céleste Buyle, Quinten Vermeulen, Lore Janssens, Haron Barashed, Yawen Fu, Sjoerd Beijers & Seppe-Hazel Laeremans