01.12.23, 20:00, Daan Janssens & bODEM
Gidsen door eigen werk
Daan Janssens may provide sophisticated scores, yet the music itself cannot be accused of any excessive cerebrality. Having said that, we still wouldn’t mind a peek inside his head. On the occasion of the monographic CD release in September and also the end of his post-doctoral research at KASK & Conservatorium, Janssens himself takes on the role of guide. During this lecture-recital he guides us through some of his more recent publications. And of course the ear wants something too, which is taken care of by his former schoolmates of the clarinet trio bODEM
Daan Janssens is affiliated as an artistic researcher to KASK & Conservatorium, the school of arts of HOGENT and howest. The research project Verwijzende muziek. Over de compositorische mogelijkheden van het (zelf)referentiële muzikale netwerk was financed by the HOGENT Arts Research Fund.