
01.05.24, 20:30, L'Amour à la Mer (1965)

Take your lover by the hand and cherish the summer, Kinoautomat makes you crave from a distance with L'Amour à la Mer. When young Parisienne Geneviève meets handsome seaman Daniel, a spark strikes. As befits love in the city of lights, the two experience a seemingly endless summer full of passion and discovery. However, when autumn arrives, and Daniel has to complete his service in Brest, the two lovers' dreams are put to the test. Faced with the agony of a long distance relationship without Whatsapp, the desire of a shared life gets stranded on a series of provocations and communication problems. As the days slide mercilessly by, life puts its claws into the couple and the chances of reuniting become increasingly slim.

Our guest speaker on duty brings us a declaration of love to director Guy Gilles. A sensual whisper amid the cacophony of the Nouvelle Vague, Gilles long remained an underappreciated voice in French film history. However, his oeuvre reveals a unique tenderness that managed to capture the hunger of the human heart. Moreover, these stories of doomed romances and misunderstood loners serve as a barometer for approaching the shifting social values of the times.

This film will be introduced by programmer Niels Putman.

Guy Gilles, 1965, France, 77 minutes, French spoken, English subtitles

i.c.w. Kinoautomat
Campus Bijloke
Godshuizenlaan 4
9000 Gent