09.02.24 – 25.02.24, MUSÉE IMAGINAIRE, A Poem on Shared Vision
"For while photography is bringing a profusion of masterpieces to the artists, these latter have been revising their notion of what it is that makes the masterpiece."
- A. Malraux
"Photography can be used to wield power, but it can also be used to restrain power and to imagine, sometimes even to create, new forms of sharing the world."
- A. Azoulay
Musée Imaginaire: A Poem on Shared Vision explores collaborative potentials in photography as well as in exhibition making. Moving away from the idea of a 'single creator' that shaped the foundation of Western art history, our exhibition experiments with speculative forms and potentials of non-hierarchical creation. Instead of giving a simple answer to the question „What is collaboration?“, it parses it in its different situations, materialities, durations, languages, sounds and tactilities. By offering a practical experiment, a theoretical proposition, and a pedagogical tool, we invite the visitors to a spatial experience, open for negotiation and exchange.
Deelnemende kunstenaars: Awa Gaye, Elke Pannier, Emma Terlinck, Jan Nijs, Jan Staiger, Laura Smekens, Luca De Ridder, Lyn de Weijer, Manon Jejcic, Martijn De Meuleneire, Gilles Vandaele, Maya Vandegehuchte, Simon Gerlinger, Vincent Koevoets, Naomi James Schatteman, Sebastian Vielma Fleischhaker.
Samengesteld door: Jana Haeckel en de studenten curatorial studies.