
08.03.25, 15:00, Rosa Lut, An exercise in connection and separation#4

An exercise in connection and separation#4 is a performance by Rosa Lut, in which she tries to get a grasp on the space in between. She divides up the room and the audience with blue lines, to explore what it’s like to be separated from each other. The lines make visible the distance between us, marking the place where one thing ends and the other begins. But can these lines also be a place of longing, a place of desire for what’s on the other side?

As a pre-master student Autonomous Design, Rosa Lut (she/her) has been researching borders as a potential place for connection. By visiting and documenting the border between Belgium and her birth country, The Netherlands, she explores what it’s like to be on the line between two cultures. Recent political developments are showing the urgency of redefining this space, not only as a place where two things are separated, but also as a place where two things come together, which is what Rosa tries to do in her work.

Abstract Entities

Thomas Hitchcock's exhibition Abstract Entities serves as an open platform for temporary interventions by Belgian art students. Throughout the exhibition period, a multitude of interventions will unfold across various media, including performances, music, collective readings, talks, workshops, discussions, body practices, poetry, and screenings.
