Het Brievenproject

This contribution is currently only available in dutch.

This text was originally published in Onrust, Magazine °14, 04 – 06.2022.
09.11.24, 15:00,
Boekvoorstelling Tentoonstellingen te Gent: De kunstkritiek van Raoul De Keyser, 1949-1964research presentationAgendaArtistic activities22.04.24, 20:00,
Studio E en de Gentse kunstfilmAgendaArtistic activities17.12.23, 11:00,
Het Brievenproject van Joseph Willaertlectureresearch presentationAgendaArtistic activities22.01.23 – 01.01.24,
Het Brievenproject, KIOSKexporesearch presentationAgendaArtistic activities

Christensen Raveendranstudent fashion Quirky math and circular dimensions in Raveendran’s vativamDuring Triggers our graduating fashion students showed their work. Master student Christensen Raveendran showed his project Vativam there.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationJules Mathôtstudent film Behind the scenes of short film ‘Night by Night’Jules Mathôt is in his final master year of film. That means working hard on his audiovisual calling card with which to go out into the world as a director.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationFloor Vanden Berghestudent fine arts “Can we play language games with computers?”From his interests in game theory, epistemology and artificial intelligence, among others, he developed a practice in which he subversively pits knowledge and algorithms against each other.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationManon Lambeensstudent graphic design Do you speak tunnel language?Graphic designer Manon Lambeens graduated from KASK & Conservatorium last year with her project Het Sociale Spel (the social game).
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation Handel's SerseA new spring, a new opera production by the Conservatory. This year's programme includes Georg Friedrich Handel's tragicomic Serse (1738). Florian Heyerick is the musical director, Benoît De Leersnyder will direct. Onrust spoke to both teachers. There was room for roguish smiles, but a more serious wrinkle also occasionally cleaved their foreheads. We tackle them in that order. Komitragic, quoi.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesSofie Frederixresearcher Philippe Vandenberg & Franklin Engeln: Brieven (1986–87)
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchKoen Bramsonderzoeker PLUS en Yves De Smet (Posture Pockets No. 1)
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchFlor Maesen Inside Conversations
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activities Ghent – Carrara – Ghent
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationFrank Hollingastudent musical instrument making Deconstruction of a reconstructionMusical instrument making student Frank Hollinga builds a Cristoforipianofortereplica.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation Devine: head in the cloudSince this year, KASK & Conservatorium is not only the school of arts of HOGENT but also of the Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen (Howest). Because of this new marriage, we are already welcoming our first new member this academic year. The professional bachelor Digital Design and Development, or Devine for short, is located at the intersection of industrial sciences, technology and audiovisual and visual arts. Deviners are customer-focused creatives who bridge the gap between code and design. Their final digital product may take the form of a site, an app or an interactive installation. When their heads aren't in the cloud, the Deviners are using it for projects and study on campus Buda, in Kortijk.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationBarbara Debeuckelaerestudent photography Dallas in RomaniaBarbara Debeuckelaere is at home in many fields. In a previous life, she studied economics and international law and worked as a journalist for public broadcasting. A few years ago, she exchanged camera and pen for the camera.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationLore De Schutterstudent graphic design on the status of languageLore De Schutter will soon graduate as a master of graphic design. As part of her thesis, she wrote an investigative artist's text.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationMarah Haj Husseinstudent drama Language: no broblemMarah Haj Hussein is a Palestinian, who was born and grew up within the borders of Israel and now lives in Belgium. With four languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English and Dutch) and three alphabets under her belt a personal Babel lurks round every corner. The name of her graduating theatrical performance? Language: no broblem.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationAngela Alsoulimanstudent film Orange Flavored LoveHow far will love carry someone through the horrors of war? Or, as director Angela Alsouliman seems to put it: What is the limit of an orange?
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationAlexis Gerlachstudent fashion Damsel In Distress (triptych)Alexis Gerlach is one of the nine fashion masters exchanging school workshops for the real field next year. Her project Damsel In Distress (triptych) would by no means be out of place in a museum context.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationGeorge Chinnerystudent fine arts Some sort of informal situationGeorge Chinnery is a poet, who works in mysterious ways. Time for a chat.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationRiles Walshstudent composition The East ComplexIt’s not every day composition students graduate with an opera, but that’s exactly what Riles Walsh is intent on doing.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationIskander Moensstudent music production Iskander MoonIskander Moon is the folkpop project of producer and singer-songwriter Iskander Moens. On the Masterworks LP, meaning the vinyl compilation of the graduating class pop / jazz / music production-students, he noteworthily submits the song ‘Borderline’.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationStef Vanbilsenstudent landscape and garden architecture Anti-tank trenchStef Vanbilsen will soon graduate as a landscape and garden architect, with an emphasis on the former.
Lees, kijk, luistereducation