
We are experiencing a cosmological revolution, a fundamental realignment of the dominant scientific worldview, similar to the 17th-century Copernican revolution. In the 21st century, modern beliefs of progress, which assumed a sharp division between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’, are colliding with hard geophysical limits. Environmental scientists are becoming increasingly aware of the complex and sensitive dependency relationships between species - including the human species - and their material and atmospheric environments. This revolution has fundamental aesthetic implications. Words worlding worlds zooms in on narrative dramaturgies and the ecosystem as a metaphor for holism, complexity, multi-scale, interdependence, dynamics, disruption and restoration of balances. What narrative grammar do we need to make ecosystems narratable? How do we tell the story of the end of an ecosystem? Or is ecological catastrophe fundamentally untellable?

The project includes drawing workshops, walking scores, essays, master seminars, a symposium and the preparatory work for Palace of Justice, a performance around the judicial system.

Words worlding worlds

On the narrative grammar of ecosystems
01.10.2024 – 31.07.2026
narratology, storytelling, dramaturgy, catastrophe, ecosystems, holism, complexity, justice
ongoing, 2- to 4-year research