13.03.25 – 23.03.25, #173: Mirl Van Sorge, Silent Impressions
The first recorded printed book by nuns contains a marginal note that reads: "papa femina", female pope: a notable footnote.
In her sixth vision, Hadewijch becomes one with the divine, a mystical experience that Simone de Beauvoir later mirrored in the dethronement of man: Christ, wounded and passive on the cross. "She is it who is hanging on the tree" Beauvoir wrote.
But what of the nuns today? At the St. Hildegard Monastery, they dream not only of faith, but also of transformation. They restore old books giving weight to words in an age where everything turns into data. They question, they imagine, they look forward. But how much change can truly take root?
Silent Impressions presents two triptychs that mirror one another—past and future, preservation and reinvention.
Heaven, at last, becomes the nun’s reflection.
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent
Mon-Thu: 08:00 – 22:00
Fri: 08:00 – 17:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00 – 17:00