Masterprojecten (MAP)
Mon-Fr: 08:00-22:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00-18:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00-18:00
MAP is a project space where master's students from different disciplines present their work. Presentations take place several times a year in the Glass Corridor, a light-filled passage connecting the Clocquet entrance to the Marissal Building. MAP started in 2012 and has since had more than 100 editions.
read, watch, listen
- MAP#85, Victoria Holdt & Kristen Rästas , Stop! Breaking the fourth wall is a bad idea!
- MAP#114, Lars Duchateau & Eline Harmse, A case for the common, 04 – 14.02.2021, foto: Lars Duchateau
- MAP#140, Fien Leenaerts & Hilke Walraven, (Ver)dwaling, (Ont)binding, 16.02—26.02.23