06.03.25, 18:00, Garine Gokceyan
Garine Gokceyan is a Brussels-based independent graphic designer and researcher born in Beirut. Her multidisciplinary projects and research focus on identities, languages, design politics, archives, and collective resource creation, exploring the power dynamics between dominant and underrepresented scripts and how to navigate them. She is currently a PhD student at Sint Lucas Antwerpen and the University of Antwerp (ARIA), working on a research project entitled "Exploring the Diasporic Life of Armenian Script: A Multiscript Design Laboratory.”
English spoken
English spoken
gebouw Marissal
atelier grafisch ontwerp
Louis Pasteurlaan 2,
9000 Gent
atelier grafisch ontwerp
Louis Pasteurlaan 2,
9000 Gent
Organised by Sara De Bondt with input from Godart Bakkers, Dirk Deblauwe, Thomas Desmet, Ronny Duquenne, Arthur Haegeman, Julie Héneault, Jurgen Maelfeyt, Ine Meganck, Julie Peeters, Josse Pyl, and the students of the graphic design department