graphic design:
graphic design studio
graduating option graphic design
study path graphic design
3+1 years
English master
read more about the programme
How print and digital relate
Graphic design exists around several focuses: including publishing, visual identity, digital publishing, typography, type design.... Each focus starts from a specific expertise that feeds, strengthens and is supported by the other focuses. You will transcend the classic dichotomy between print (publication, poster, flyer...) and digital (website, application...) and look for the relationship between the two in our post-digital world.
Several mediums, several practices
Visual identity focuses on communication with graphic media and visual concepts across different carriers (including: corporate identity, brochure, signage, website, online communication, social media, design in public spaces, etc.). It is a field that focuses on culture identity rather than corporate identity.
Publication focuses on the graphic concept, design and layout of publications. The domain of graphic publishing covers a wide range of graphic products: book, catalogue, magazine, newspaper, brochure.
Digital publishing reflects on and experiments with the possibilities of publishing in a digital environment. It provides the graphic designer with the tools and thinking framework to enter the field of digital and/or interactive media.
Typography focuses on the conception and production of typefaces and/or fonts for current use in your design practice.
You will expand your artistic and communicative capabilities in function of your individual development by working critically and inquisitively, coming up with content-rich projects, exploring interaction between analogue and digital media, and underpinning and reinforcing all this with the design of the whole that translates into a wide range of media: book, catalogue, website, magazine, newspaper, poster, flyer, leaflet, application.
study programme bachelor
study programme master
admission test
register for admission test bachelor graphic design
register for orientation test master graphic design
If you want to apply for an academic bachelor's degree, you must first pass an artistic admission test. To enter the master's programme, you will take part in an orientation test. These are organised several times per academic year.
- Beijers Sjoerd, Graduation 2023, photo: Giada Cicchetti
- Manon Lambeens, Het Sociale Spel, photo: Benina Hu
- Laura Martens, Graduation 2021, photo: Benina Hu