
22.04.24, 20:00, Studio E en de Gentse kunstfilm

In 1955, the Ghent group Studio E is founded as a 'smallfilm working group' to professionalise via smallfilm club into a non-profit organisation in 1968. Studio E presents itself as a centre for art films and films about art. From the 1970s onwards, they manifest themselves more explicitly as an autonomous art film group. This becomes most emphatically visible in the separation from the Verbond der Amateur Kineasten van Oost-Vlaanderen (V.A.K.O.V.). Studio E's films were collective creations. They valued film as an autonomous medium, sought connections with other art forms and, for artistic reasons, resolutely chose to work with 16mm film. Although Studio E never grew into a full-fledged filmmakers' cooperative, as several emerged in America and Europe in the 1960s-1970s, their films show that this ambition was present.

In the presence of artist Leo Copers and Claude Vanderschueren, former secretary of Studio E

The research on Studio E and Gustaaf Prils took place within the context of the research of ‘Gent, speelveld van de beeldende kunst (1957-1987)' at KASK & Conservatorium. A first presentation culminated in The Letters Project at KIOSK with Claude Vanderschueren's letter to the members of Studio E. 'Gent, speelveld van de beeldende kunst (1957-1987)' consists of Naninga Lens, Sofie Frederix, Wouter De Vleeschouwer, Koen Brams and Godart Bakkers.


  • Gustaaf Prils, Kreatie, BE • 1961 • 15' • colour • digital
    Documentary on the creation and placement of Berjan Coolens' sculpture, 11-tonne French stone statue that has been given a place at the Ghent Water Sports Course.

  • Dirk Liefooghe, Cultivant mes Symboles, BE • 1964 • 15' • colour • digital
    Poetic documentary on Pierre Vlerick set to a poem by Pjeroo Roobjee.

  • Gustaaf Prils, Genesis, BE • 1974 • 12' • colour • digital
    Film about Roger Raveel, set to a poem by Roland Jooris. Filmed on the occasion of his retrospective at St Peter's Abbey.

  • Gustaaf Prils, Order of Life, BE • 1973 • 16' • colour • digital
    Experimental documentary looking at contemporary society through printmaking.

  • Gustaaf Prils, The Mysterious and Enigmatic Life of Leo Copers, BE • 1974 • 5' • colour • digital
    Documentaire over Leo Copers

Samengesteld door Godart Bakkers i.s.m. Art Cinema OFFoff
Art Cinema OFFoff
Lange Steenstraat 14
9000 Gent