
The Circus Dialogues (continued) is an artistic research project into the question “How to continue?” within the circus field. From there, The Circus Dialogues (continued) thinks through sustainability, care and violence in circus. The project builds on two earlier research projects led by Bauke Lievens: Between being and imagining: Towards a methodology for artistic research in circus (2013-2017) and The Circus Dialogues (2018-2020).  

Central to The Circus Dialogues (continued) is the distribution and critical discussion of knowledge through dialogue within the circus field and outside of it. These dialogues take the form of encounters, symposia and talks but also take shape in two artistic research practices. Both practices have a strong interest in undoing and un-thinking binary divisions and creating (more) sustainable relations between diverse actants within the field. In the first two years, The Circus Dialogues (continued) creates a rigged dialogue practice, in which states of suspension create different insights in the entangled concepts of activity and passivity, care and violence, autonomy and dependence and constraint and freedom. The second part of the research project will delve into notions of repair from a disability perspective. 

The Circus Dialogues (continued) is a four-year artistic research project (2020-2024) initiated by Bauke Lievens, who is an affiliated researcher and professor at KASK & Conservatorium. Francesca Hyde and Vincent Focquet were the associated researchers (2020-21). The Circus Dialogues (continued) is financed by the Arts Research Fund of University College Ghent (BE) and co-produced by Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof/Theater op de Markt, miramir0 and Voo?uit. With the support of Chateau de Monthelon (FR), Cirklabo, Universiteit Gent/SP:AM, Stockholm University of the Arts and Universiteit Utrecht.  

String Figure, 2021, image: Zaur Kaurazov
Is there a way out of here, 2017, image: Ferre Marnef
Francesca Hyde & Bauke Lievens, 2021, image: Zaur Kaurazov
ANECKXANDER, 2015, foto: Bart Grietens
Open Letters to the Circus, 2015 & 2017, photo:Jakob Rosseel
Is there a way out of here, 2017, image: Ferre Marnef

The Circus Dialogues (continued)

project team
Bauke Lievens, Francesca Hyde, Vincent Focquet
01.10.2020 – 30.09.2024
contemporary circus, dialogue, somatic practice, care, repair, disability studies