about the programme
After your bachelor's and master's degree, you can obtain a PhD in the arts in a third cycle. To organise this third cycle, KASK & Conservatorium and Ghent University work closely together.

phd in the arts

about the programme
study path
phd in the arts
6 years
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Expert in the arts

Doctoral research in the arts consists of an artistic and a discursive part and revolves around the student’s artistic or design practice and the research that is conducted through that practice. The particularity of the PhD in the arts lies not in the content of the research question or in the research path as much as in the specific way research questions are developed and studied. It is the artistic practice itself that both generates research questions and serves to evaluate the tentative answers to these questions. That is why it is essential that this research is undertaken by an artist who excels in his or her discipline: the visual arts, music, audio-visual arts or drama.

Progression of your PhD

As a PhD candidate, after an annual call, you submit a project proposal to a committee that evaluates it based on criteria of artistic excellence, research methodology and relevance. If you are allowed to start, you combine the research activity with a limited doctoral training and can also immediately share expertise and experiences with students in a teaching assignment. Two supervisors will guide you during your research: a supervisor with mainly artistic expertise connected to KASK & Conservatorium and a supervisor with theoretical expertise connected to Ghent University. At the end of your six years of doctoral research, as researcher you will present the results, consisting of artistic work and a discursive part, for defence before a jury of experts from the academic and artistic field.


We publish an annual call for new candidates. These appear as vacancies for artistic assistants. You can find more information at research.

more information about the PhD in arts


  1. BOEKS 12, Mekhitar Garabedian, Import – Export, Friperie, 04 – 26.05.2023
  2. Stephanie Kiwitt, Wondelgemse Meersen