
29.10.22, 14:00, Gaëlle Rouard, Unter (2011) & Darkness, Darkness, Burning Bright (2022)

Op 29 oktober screent filmmaker, alchemist en performancekunstenaar Gaëlle Rouard twee films in KASKcinema. In de aanwezigheid van de kunstenaar volgt na de films een open discussie.

Deze masterclass staat open voor iedereen, studenten, docenten & andere nieuwsgierigen in experimentele film, ambachtelijke film en laboratoriumwerk. Welkom aan allen die wil ontsnappen in de net zo droomachtige als technische clair-obscur wereld van Gaëlle Rouard.

Unter (2011), NB, 16mm, 20min

The sea foams and bubbles. Gray white bleak everywhere.
Chasms and mountains. Water... only water! And nothing to absorb it all!
Other shattering shock. Brief look round of the chief. The needle progresses unperturbed.
First the sonar!
Water Diving and silver in the depths, lift up to the light and ice. Gaëlle Rouard is at the helm of the ship. Followed her gaze.

Darkness, Darkness, Burning Bright (2022), 70min, Color, 16mm

“Darkness, darkness, burning bright

In the forests of the night
Vast flowered paths, fresh branches,
Groves full of perfumes, birds and whispers,
Site often seen again, and always contemplated (….)

And the mad impulse of this distraught soul,
And that had, the forehead circled in copper, under the moon

Frail herbs, tender branches, hollyhocks,
And the shadow that brushes and the wind that knots,
And strongly, with the fists of its clouds,
On the greenish horizon, crushes suns."

In samenwerking met Jen Debauche (KASK & Conservatorium - LABO Bxl) & Hélène Bernard (Erg)

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