
17.10.24 – 15.12.24, Pedram Kargar, Zurkhaneh: House of Animation

Gedurende het najaar wordt de neogotische inkomhal van KASK & Conservatorium aan de Jozef Kluyskensstraat ingenomen door een Perzische, achthoekige installatie van waaruit de ruimte gaandeweg met nieuwe ingrepen en samenwerkingen geanimeerd en ingekleurd wordt.

Zurkhaneh (Persian for "house of strength") is a traditional gymnasium in Iran where athletes practise an ancient form of physical training, known as "Pahlevani" or "Varzesh-e Bastani" (Ancient Sport). This practice combines martial arts, power training, callisthenics, spirituality, ethics, devotion, poetry, and music rooted in Iranian culture and history. Inspired by this rich deductive, artistic, philosophical, and socio-political heritage of Zurkhaneh, the House of Animation seeks to explore and justify the deep connections and contributions of eight key Persian arts (∞PARTS)—poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, performance, calligraphy, music, and cooking—to the field of animation studies. These diverse art forms converge within an octagonal structure, symbolically representing the Zurkhaneh as a true house of animation. By closely examining the relationship between animation and performance in Zurkhaneh, the project delves into essential parameters such as movement, embodiment, time, space, object and choreography, highlighting how much these traditional arts have in common with the principles of Animation.

Animation is often understood and interpreted primarily through the lens of film and motion pictures, relying heavily on apparatus (projectors, cameras, optical toys, etc), and the illusion of motion. But what if we step beyond these technological tools and techniques? This project aims to liberate animation from the confines of the frame and screen, expanding its theory and practice by emphasizing performativity as a fundamental element. In this context, animation transforms into a space where the agency of body and mind can flourish, finding expression and refuge beyond conventional boundaries.” 

Pedram Kargar is als artistiek onderzoeker verbonden aan KASK & Conservatorium, de school of arts van HOGENT en Howest. Het onderzoeksproject 'Behind the Curtains of Animation' werd gefinancierd door het Onderzoeksfonds Kunsten van HOGENT.

gebouw Pauli
Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2,
9000 Gent
opening 17.10.24, 18:00

ma-do: 08:00-21:30
vr: 08:00-18:00