name usage

The official name of our school of arts is KASK & Conservatorium (HOGENT - Howest).

(HOGENT - Howest) may be omitted if the name is repeated in a text or in internal documents. This wording remains unchanged in English.

So we no longer use the term "school of arts" as our proper name, only as a generic name (and preferably so with lowercase letters) that can be clarifying in describing our organization.

KASK & Conservatorium is de school of arts van HOGENT en Howest.
KASK & Conservatorium is the school of arts of HOGENT and Howest.

Formulation of research affiliation

Persoon X is als artistiek onderzoeker verbonden aan KASK & Conservatorium, de school of arts van HOGENT en Howest. Het onderzoeksproject Getiteld X werd gefinancierd door het Onderzoeksfonds Kunsten van HOGENT.

Person X is affiliated as an artistic researcher to KASK & Conservatorium, the school of arts of HOGENT and howest. The research project Titled X was financed by the HOGENT Arts Research Fund.