The KASK & Conservatorium logos are always used together, equally sized next to or below each other. The logos of HOGENT and howest are always included.
The official name of our school of arts is KASK & Conservatorium (HOGENT - Howest).
(HOGENT - Howest) may be omitted if the name is repeated in a text or in internal documents. This wording remains unchanged in English.So we no longer use the term "school of arts" as our proper name, only as a generic name (and preferably so with lowercase letters) that can be clarifying in describing our organization.
KASK & Conservatorium is de school of arts van HOGENT en Howest.
KASK & Conservatorium is the school of arts of HOGENT and Howest.
Formulation of research affiliation
Persoon X is als artistiek onderzoeker verbonden aan KASK & Conservatorium, de school of arts van HOGENT en Howest. Het onderzoeksproject Getiteld X werd gefinancierd door het Onderzoeksfonds Kunsten van HOGENT.
Person X is affiliated as an artistic researcher to KASK & Conservatorium, the school of arts of HOGENT and howest. The research project Titled X was financed by the HOGENT Arts Research Fund.