Internationalisation is a process of bringing the international dimension (different countries), the intercultural dimension (diversity and diverse cultures) and the global dimension (worldwide) into all sections of KASK & Conservatorium. As also mentioned in the HOGENT internationalisation policy plan, internationalisation is not an end in itself, but a means to perpetuate and improve quality in the practice of the arts, teaching, research and service. Our goal is for all students and staff to acquire international and intercultural competences.
Internationalisation is therefore considered a transversal process that has a role to play throughout the school. This vision is also clear within HOGENT's educational vision and in HOGENT's strategic plan. In this sense, we see internationalisation as a culture and mindset. In order to enhance this, we need interventions in just about all processes. It is therefore reflected in the strategy, structures, teaching, practice of the arts, research and service, human resources and partnerships of our school of arts.
As evident as it is within higher arts education, the international dimension must also be constantly given its proper shape, attention and structure in higher arts education. Our vision on internationalisation can be summarised in five priority points, which give direction to further choices and actions.
Read the full visionPDF
Internationalisation policy HOGENTPDF

our vision in five priority points
values and humanity
KASK & Conservatorium wants to offer its students an open window on the world. Our learning environment takes global citizenship as its starting point. In light of this, a number of important values underpin our educational project: artistic openness and cultural diversity, economic justice, ecological sustainability, political and philosophical pluralism, curiosity and self-questioning. In international collaborations that are established, partners are considered equal and learn from each other.
KASK & Conservatorium aims to integrate an international dimension in the curricula of all courses, in life on the campuses, in artistic projects, research practices, etc. that reflects the open nature of art and design practice. To this purpose we have defined 4 key levers which are consciously and actively used: English-language study programmes; artistic project work, research projects and services; international accents in staff policy and bilingual communication.
rooted in the study programme
In the long run, KASK & Conservatorium aims for every student to have at least one international experience during their study period.
structural co-operation with other schools
KASK & Conservatorium aims to develop a supported partner policy in order to achieve high-quality student and staff mobility and to exchange good practices. The further development and maintenance of a network with (strategic) partner institutions offers opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education, research, practice of the arts and social services, as well as the professionalisation of our teachers.
KASK & Conservatorium also values non-European cultural backgrounds, as dominant cultures (male, middle-class, white, European) still too strongly determine the canon, and consequently also what is passed on in education. Intercultural cross-fertilization inspires innovative and qualitative solutions in the artistic field, and can lead to the broadening of perspectives in education, practice of the arts, research and service. Our internationalisation policy stimulates diversity policy and increases diversity and intercultural sensitivity.
KASK & Conservatorium has a bilateral agreement with partner institutions in 31 countries (inside and outside EU). We would like to build sustainable and constructive partnerships with our partners. KASK & Conservatorium offers many opportunities for cooperation such as study or internships, artistic projects, service and research. We are therefore always looking for partners and project proposals in which we can participate, if this can strengthen our teaching, research or artistic activities.
Contact our policy coordinator internationalisation for more info.
Thanks to its diverse expertise and research, KASK & Conservatorium has experience in several European projects (Interreg, Erasmus+, Creative Europe,...). Our research, seminars, training and artistic activities respond to the specific needs of professionals and help them to innovate. KASK & Conservatorium is also an active member of various international networks in various fields.
Through to our Erasmus University Charter, we can participate in the Erasmus+ program. This means that we can exchange students and/or staff (key action 1) and start projects with partner organizations (key action 2). Since 2021, KASK & Conservatorium is also an active organizer and participant of Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) under Erasmus+. Study programmes that participate in one or more BIPs include Interior Design, Photography, Jazz-Pop, Classical Music and Animation Film, amongst others.
Are you interested in a project collaboration? Contact our policy coordinator internationalisation to discuss the possibilities.
This project was established with support from Erasmus+ and Creative Europe funds.
The International Master in Composition for Screen (InMICS) is a program aimed at international students who want to work as composers for audiovisual media. InMICS was founded by eight European and Canadian partners, four renowned Conservatories on the one hand and four established organizations from the professional field on the other hand: KASK & Conservatorium, CNSMD de Lyon, Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini Bologna, Faculté de Musique Université de Montréal, Festival International du Film d'Aubagne, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, FilmFest Ghent, Permission Inc. Montréal.
This two-year program offers advanced students the opportunity to deepen their field of work, to further develop their talent and personality in a professional international environment, and to exchange their experiences and findings with their fellow students. InMICS trains composers to become highly specialized, individual, creative, critical and innovative professionals who will shape the cultural industries of tomorrow.
Innocastle is een Interreg Europe-project dat het belang van samenwerking bij duurzame renovatie en toekomstbestendigheid van erfgoedsites wil benadrukken. Het wil beleidsmakers wijzen op de noodzaak van effectieve financiering om erfgoedsites in staat te stellen zelfvoorzienend te worden en benadrukt hierbij ook onze gedeelde Europese identiteit. Het project wil een nieuw erfgoedbeleid ontwikkelen in vier partnerregio's: Gelderland, Extremadura, Vlaanderen en Roemenië.
Het partnerschap van Innocastle bestaat uit vier Europese regio's die elk één beleidsinstrument aanpakken: Het Nationaal Instituut voor Erfgoed in Roemenië, de Provincie Gelderland in Nederland, Hogeschool Gent (HOGENT) in België en de Provinciale Overheid van Badajoz in Spanje. National Trust uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk zal gedurende het hele proces optreden als kennispartner en alle partners ondersteunen bij het remodelleren van hun beleid.
Each year many foreign students arrive in Belgium to join our bachelor and master’s degree programmes and also within the school’s study programme our students have many opportunities to sample and experience what is happening on an international level. The various programmes frequently organise visits or participate in fairs, exhibitions and festivals in Belgium and abroad.
Moreover, visiting lecturers visit our campuses regularly and we invite international experts to share their knowledge. In addition, our staff members have the opportunity tto deepen their expertise or share good practices with international colleagues. This can be done within the framework of Erasmus+ (teaching or after-school training at a higher education institution in Europe) or Global Minds (exchange in one of the VLIR-UOS partner countries outside Europe).
Contact our policy coordinator internationalisation if you are a interested in an international staff exchange at KASK & Conservatorium.