school of arts

Since 1995, KASK & Conservatorium have been part of HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the largest university college in Flanders with more than 16,000 students. This offers economies of scale in the development of an efficient administration, the management of infrastructure and social services, among other things. By accommodating the art courses within a sui generis structure, i.e. a School of Arts, the specific quality of education in artistic practice can be actively guaranteed. We do this within HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts and in close cooperation with Ghent University. In 2018, the School of Arts expanded to Kortrijk by including Howest's Digital Design and Development (Devine) programme in its course offering. Since then, KASK & Conservatorium has been the school of arts of HOGENT and Howest.


Filip Rathé is the dean of KASK & Conservatorium.

He presides over the school of arts and is appointed by the Board of Directors of HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He is Chairman of the Board of the School of Arts and of the Exam Commissions. The main duties of the Dean include developing and formulating the policy vision. He bears responsibility for all the subjects that are taught, the faculty’s finances, and the teaching and administrative staff. He also ensures the proper functioning of the school of arts.

school of arts council

The school of arts council manages the faculty in accordance with stipulations in the decree. It determines which powers are granted to the dean.

Filip Rathé

Joke Vangheluwe
09 243 36 51

staff representatives
Chokri Ben Chikha
Edwin Carels
Martine Clierieck
Jynse Cremers
Ilse Den Hond
Caroline Poullier
Sandra Van der Gucht

student representatives
Georgi Grozev
Ischa Mestdagh
Riet Van Lysebettens

representatives from the artistic and cultural field
Sven Grooten
Elke Decoker

members put forward by Ghent University
Sylvia Vanpeteghem
Franky Devos
Inge Vranken
Marjan Doom
Koenraad Jonckheere

training programme commissions

For each training programme there is a training programme commission that is composed of teaching staff and students.

The training programme commission has the following tasks:

  • describing the training programme profile
  • establishing the final goals and final  competences
  • determining the structure of the study programme with the different training programme elements
  • establishing the course contents, the study load, het evaluation system and the types of examinations
  • participating in the execution of internal quality control and supporting external quality control
  • formulating proposals related to training assignments that are filled in by the departments

visual arts

audiovisual arts


Joris Blanckaert

Senne Guns
Peter Lesage
Geert Dhondt
Hendrickje Van Kerckhove
Régis Dragonetti
Janos Bruneel
Wim Konink
Bram Deman
Renaat De Keyser (student)
Elise Marmad (student)
Esmée Cuvelier (student)
Jessica King (student)

study and learning track counsellor
Karen Van Petegem


Kristof van Baarle

Simon De Winne
Carolina Maciel De França
Paola Bertoletti
Bauke Lievens
Frederik Le Roy
Martine Clierieck
Geert Belpaeme
Marthe Lambaerts (student)
Rinus Martha Chaerle (student)
Manizja Kouhestani (student)

study and learning track counsellor
Annelies Vlaeminck

Madonna Lenaert

landscape & garden architecture and landscape development

Steve Van Ryckegem

Caroline Poullier
Luc Deschepper
Hans Druart
Pieter Foré
Ruben Joye
Yves Willems
Karel Vandevoorde
Stefanie Delarue
Griet Vanhaverbeke
Laurien Maes (student)
Tobias De Cooman (student)
Linde Ledoux (student)
Jeroen Bruggeman (student)

study and learning track counsellor
Heidi Mertens

interior design

educational master

dean ad interim

Edwin Carels
Joris Blanckaert
Marlie Mul
Inès Beert
Mirella Ruigrok
Ann Saelens
Karen Van Petegem
Willem Breynaert
Kristof Van Baarle
Alec Lagrange
Geertje Karpez (student)
Ruben Van Hijfte (student)
Maryse De Bruyn (student)
Babette Goemaere (student)

digital design and development

Klaus Delanghe


A departmental council is responsible for providing education, conducting and coordinating research, internal/external social and scientific services and, within the school of arts, also for developments in the practice of the arts. This council has an advisory function.

The department group unites teaching staff, academic staff and, where appropriate, administrative and technical staff within one or more related fields of study in a capacity group. A department group covers a field of knowledge or a coherent set of fields of knowledge that follows logically from the programmes organised by a faculty. Staff members can be assigned to only one department group across the university, in addition to any part-time assignment to a central management or department or faculty department.

Departmental councils function alongside programme committees. Whereas the programme committees are mainly concerned with content, the responsibilities of the departmental councils are mainly responsibility for personnel, infrastructure, research and money.

architectonic design

autonomous arts


film, photography and drama

music production, jazz and pop music

classical music

theory of art practices

administrative services

The administrative services are also called the deanery within KASK & Conservatorium. Most deanery staff members have their offices in the left wing of the Pauli building on the Bijloke campus.

dean's office

general policy
Joke Vangheluwe

human resources, finance and infrastructure

coördinator personeel 
Rilke Broekaert

medewerkers personeel
Els De Meyer
Tamara Goethals
Maia Vandenbossche
Eveline Heinkens

coördinator financiën
Dries De Wit

medewerkers financiën
Marieke Rummens
Herlinde Van Langenhove
Patricia Gheyssens

coördinator ICT
Thomas Janssens

coördinator infrastructuur
Dries Op de Beeck

medewerker infrastructuur
Sam Van Ingelgem

medewerkers technisch onderhoud
Johan De Cock
Peter Van de Velde
Ruben Buyck
Florian Van de Velde

teamcoach schoonmaak
Victoria De Maertelaere

medewerkers schoonmaak
Nelsie Aerens
Kadir Akdag
Dena Berth
Marleen Bonne
Katrien Boucque
Caroline Boumon
Martine Brusselmans
Marleen Cornel
Wendy De Coster
Cindy De Coster
Cindy Geyssens
Dora Grabinska
Katrien Haesaert
Mohammed Sule
Kimberley Van den Abeele
Cindy Walgrave
Kenneth Van Keer

coördinator onthaal, zaalbeheer en externe verhuur
Laurent Derycke

medewerkers onthaal
Claudine Bussens
Valerie Hutsebaut
Elly Maes
Jeff Goddard

student affairs and educational innovation

research, quality assurance and internationalisation

coordinator research
Katrien Vuylsteke Vanfleteren

staff research
David Depestel

coordinator research centre Futures through Design
Eveline Seghers

coordinator quality assurance
Valérie Smet

coordinator internationalisation
Frauke Velghe

communication and artistic projects


Suzy Castermans

staff Kunstenbibliotheek
Marianne Van Hoe
Sylvia Czachorowska

staff muziekbibliotheek
Kim De Brabandere
Wim T’Hooft


Thomas Janssens
