30.05.24 – 09.06.24, #162 Phoebe Vandercammen, Calling for your perversion
MAP is a project space where master's students from different programmes present their work to the public. Calling for your perversion is an exhibition by Phoebe Vandercammen, master's student in autonomous design.
perversion: socially unacceptable behavior - atheism - eroticized rage - delights in evil and in the destruction of the self or others – fun stuff
I would describe myself as an artist-designer of sextoys and kinky experiences. My desire is to create mediating projects between kinksters and non-kinksters, focusing on consent – safety – (a)sex – pleasure and other underrepresented elements of bdsm. Each project is an opportunity to delve deeper into the complexities of the (a)sexual experience, challenging societal norms and celebrating diversity.
I made a full commitment to designing functional objects for the bdsm community. Only the perverted will know how to use my objects. Kinksters are my insiders, non-kinksters are my outsiders. Connection to my community became the most important pilar of my practice. But my practice also involves connecting them.
I write letters to the ones I worship, to my community. I write letters of love to the ones I love most.
‘calling for your perversion’ is a making process focusing on the beauty in the perverted
the beauty in the fucked up
My little objects glorifying what’s nasty.
Meanwhile, I’m asking a non-kinky audience to channel their own perversion. Ask them to envision themselves using the objects, fucking them.
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent
Mon-Thu: 08:00 – 22:00
Fri: 08:00 – 17:00
Sat-Sun: 12:00 – 17:00