
19.12.24, 19:00, Dennis Tyfus

Please note: reservations are required for this lecture.

Dennis Tyfus makes drawings, paintings, music, sculptures, a weekly radio programme, No Choice Tattoos, performances and organises events. An artist who places himself in a rich tradition of off-spaces, self-publishing and experimentation. A tradition full of absurd and surreal elements, dark humour, bitter seriousness and a chaotic, improvisational spirit, where boundaries between disciplines blur and art and non-art or art and life blur.

Writing about it, announcing it or explaining it implies limitation and that is precisely the opposite of what the artist wants. Contradictions, different ways of working, friction and harmony can coexist perfectly within Dennis Tyfus' work.

Besides his visual work, Tyfus is active in the experimental music world. He is the founder of Ultra Eczema, a label that releases limited edition vinyl, cassettes and zines. Ultra Eczema has become an influential platform for fringe artists and musicians, pursuing a non-commercial approach to creativity and experimentation, offering an alternative to conventional conceptions of art and performance.

free upon reservation
Campus Bijloke
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent