
21.11.24, 19:00, mountaincutters

mountaincutters is a hybrid identity, a duo of artists. With a focus on in-situ sculpture, they draw on the connection between human beings and the environments they inhabit. In their practice, the vital inter-section of nature, craftsmanship, art and industry, the modern and the archaic, creates hybrid entities rather than superimposed layers of reality. Their works evoke the primordial character of matter, governed by the rigour and precision of a delicate poetic composition.mountaincutters’ work has been presented in solo exhibitions :
Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2023, Meessen De Clercq gallery, Brussels 2024, CAN Art Center Neuchatel 2022, La Verrière-Fondation Hermès, Brussels 2021. They also participated in collective exhibitions such as Kiyv Biennal, Vienna 2023, HORST co-produition KANAL Centre Pompidou, Brussels 2022, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp 2021. Their works are in several collections such as FRAC SUD (2020), Middelheim Museum (2021) and MUDAC-Platform10 Lausanne (2023).

Campus Bijloke
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent