16.05.24, 18:00, The Fantastic Voyage Book Club, The Romantic Outsider (hoofdstuk 3)
On the occasion of the exhibition Fantastic Voyage through the Body of an Artist by DDV, KIOSK organises three reading sessions, each one focusing on a chapter from The Outsider by Colin Wilson (1956).
The Outsider is the seminal work on alienation, creativity, and the modern mind-set. First published in 1956, it made its youthful author England's most controversial intellectual. The Outsider is an individual engaged in an intense self-exploration - a person who lives at the edge, challenges cultural values, and "stands for Truth." Born into a world without perspective, where others simply drift through life, the Outsider creates his own set of rules and lives them in an unsympathetic environment. Reading The Outsider at a young age left a strong impression on DDV.
During each session, participants will receive copies of the chosen chapter. Together, we'll read and discuss the text, exploring its connections to Danny Devos's exhibition. For those who prefer to prepare ahead of time, the entire book is available online here.
Reading Sessions:
- The Romantic Outsider (Chapter Three)
Thursday 02.05.2024 6-8 p.m. - The Pain Threshold (Chapter Five)
Thursday 16.05.2024 6-8 p.m. -
The Great Synthesis (Chapter Seven)
Thursday 30.05.2024 6-8 p.m.