Luanda Casella, teacher

Luanda Casella is a writer, performing artist, and theatre director, currently a house artist at NTGent and artist in residency at de Singel International Arts Centre. Her work focuses on the use of 'manipulative discourse' in communication processes and 'unreliable narrators' in classic and contemporary works of fiction. 

She has created four performances in the recent years, Short of Lying (2018), Killjoy Quiz (2020), Ferox Tempus (2022) and Elektra Unbound (2024), all of which are touring internationally. Casella's work has been shown at Kaserne, Basel; Theater Spektakel, Zurich; Edinburgh Theatre Festival; HAU, Berlin, FARaway Festival, Reims; Spielart Festival, Munich; Frascati, Amsterdam, Dublin Theatre Festival, Het Theater Festival, a.o.. 

Luanda Casella is currently a teacher at the drama department at KASK & Conservatorium, Ghent. She has also been a guest lecturer at the following programs: DAS Graduate School, Amsterdam; KABK, The Hague; P.A.R.T.S, School for Contemporary Dance, Brussels; Toneelacademie Maastricht Institute of Performative Arts; Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin, a.o.