
Een Grimoire is a book of magic spells and recipes. Les sorts en toverspreuken qui se trouvent in deze Grimoire take the form of practical tools, technieken, jeux et structures à utiliser par toute personne interested in l'expérimentation met tijdreizen and time-travel in collectieve processen.

Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters are affiliated as artistic researchers to KASK & Conservatorium, the School of Arts van HOGENT and Howest. The research project Futurology of Cooperation is funded by HOGENT Arts Research Fund.

With the support of the transborder cooperation fund Région Hauts-de-France & Vlaamse Gemeenschap via L’Amicale & SPIN.

438 pages, softcover
published by KASK & Conservatorium
2023, NL/EN/FR
ISBN 9789464668438