
Studium Generale 2011-2012

This yearbook of the Studium Generale of Ghent University College contains the texts of all lectures held during the 2011-2012 academic year. The theme, "Happiness: compulsion or coercion?", was tested interdisciplinary from different perspectives. In addition, the best paper of participating students was included.

This lecture series and the accompanying volume were compiled by Sofie Vandamme. The book contains contributions from Sofie Vandamme, Frank Vandenbroucke, Bruno Vanobbergen, Dimitri Verhulst, Pascal Bruckner, Jürgen Mettepenningen, Piet Van Eeckhaut, David Healy, Luc Deleu, Menno van der Veen, Michael de Cock, Ruut Veenhoven, Antoon Vandevelde and Hannes Dereere.

181 pages
published by Academia Press
2012, NL
ISBN 9789038220178