
Documenting Objects is a research project that deals with the functioning of ‘the document’ and ‘the documentary’ and the way they are defined by the tension between the ideas of proximity and distance. It investigates and tests documentary as an approximation.

Documeting Objects gathers 5 cases:

  1. Towards Civil Dusk is an experimental documentary film on the topic of amateur astronomical observations. Amateur astronomy is a world of stark contradictions. It’s both highly technological and very DIY. It combines advanced scientific knowledge with a direct, romantic appreciation of celestial bodies. It’s a solitary endeavor that nevertheless gives rise to large communities of like-minded souls.
  2. The Situation As It Is is a photonovel based on an architect’s photographic archive. It tells the story of the events leading up to an unsettling state decree and its aftermath. Sometime in the early 1990s, from one day to the next, the decree declared that the built landscape had to be preserved. It prohibited any new construction. ‘The situation as it is, will be the situation as it is.’ The effects, both on the landscape as on the lives of those involved, would be far-reaching. 
  3. Amidst the fire, I am not burnt is a documentary approach of the iconic landscape shaped by Vesuvius. It researches the different temporalities, scientific and popular approaches, historic and present-day photographic representations, and stories inscribed in this cyclical landscape. Amidst the fire, I am not burnt interweaves documentary writing and photography in a constellation of subjects. As each eruption adds a layer on top of the last, Vesuvius senses, stores, destroys, shapes and transmits information. 
  4. Capital Compression explores the poetics of blockchain technology – photographically and discursively. The publication employs and tests strategies of authentication and documentation. A hashed poem in nineteen lines, a series of twenty photographs, and an essay intertwine. Each appropriates aspects of blockchain: its functioning, appeal and semiotics. 
  5. is an online platform, collecting, describing, presenting and generating documents of all sorts. It documents documents.
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Towards Civil Dusk
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Towards Civil Dusk
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, The Situation As It Is
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, The Situation As It Is
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Amidst the fire, I am not burnt
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Amidst the fire, I am not burnt
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Capital Compression
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects, Capital Compression
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects,
De Cleene De Cleene, Documenting Objects,

Documenting Objects

01.01.2019 – 31.12.2022
Document, documentary, approximation, proximity, distance, photography
2- to 4-year research, completed