06.11.23 – 31.01.24, 1M³: After a brief history of artists’ publications
Met After a brief history of artists’ publications selecteerden we werken uit de collectie kunstenaarsboeken van de Kunstenbibliotheek die verwijzen, toe-eigenen, samplen of knipogen naar wat eerder gemaakt werd.
“It’s not that I don’t think that the word originality means anything or has no meaning,
I just think it’s gotten a very narrow meaning lately. What I think about in terms of my work isbroadening the definitions of the word “original.” I think originality as a trope*. There is no such thing as an ahistorical activity (I mean history
in terms of one’s personal history, too).”
Sherrie Levine geïnterviewd door Jeanne Siegel, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in ARTS Magazine, Summer 1985
* A trope is a word used in a nonliteral sense to create an image. Trope refers to different types of figures of speech, such as puns,metaphors, and similes.
- Anna Haifisch & Stefanie Leinhos, Gnocchi, Gnocchi, who’s there?. Berlin: Colorama, 2020
- Olaf Nicolai, The Bauhaus Files: die Geschichten Unschribener Bücher Episode 1 bis 3. [s.l.]: Spector Books, s.a.
- Claudia de la Torre, Ten (unknown) Gaso line Stations. Berlin: backbonebooks, 2012
- Warja Lavater, Roodkapje: naar een sprookje van Perrault. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Het Spectrum, 1973
- Christian Marclay, Index. Zürich: Patrick Frey, 2021
- Elisabeth Tonnard, In This Dark Wood. Rochester: Visual Studies Workshop Press, 2008
- Astrid Seme, Baroness Elsa’s em dashes. Wien: Max Pezinger Books, 2018
- Hans-Peter Feldmann, Album. Koln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2008
- Batia Suter, Parallel Encyclopedia. Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2007
- Sophie Nys, Alas. Gent: Grafische Cel LUCA School of arts, 2021
- Elizabeth Lebon, The Book of Ghost. Geneva: Boabooks, 2018
vr: 09:00-18:00
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