25.10.22, 19:30, Kes Otter Lieffe – Queer Ecologies of Resistance
A search for home in times of crisis
Kes Otter Lieffe’s speculative fiction trilogy anchors the age-old traditions of resistance to the hetero-cissexist, white supremacist, capitalist and ableist patriarchal past and present, in a not-so-distant future. Traditions of organized resistance engendered, cared for and perpetually regenerated by and for marginalized communities of survival; traditions that are as resilient as they are vulnerable to surveillance, repression and co-optation. Kes Otter Lieffe successfully brings to life the realities of embodied, co-operative and interrelated subjectivities of places, land and othered, regulated and racialized bodies (human and non-human) in a lyrical tapestry of a near-future beyond the neo-liberal constructs of hope and progressive modernity.
Kes Otter Lieffe is a working class, chronically ill, femme, trans woman. She is an author, facilitator and community organiser currently based near Berlin. She is the author of the Queer Animals and Plants series, several short stories and Margins, a trilogy of queer and trans speculative fiction novels. In these futuristic stories, marginalised characters take centre stage in powerful resistance movements. Everything is at stake and so much is possible.