
The fear of being dependent on others

We pay the baker for bread instead of baking it ourselves, while we find it pathetic to pay a personal assistant to tie our laces. Why are some forms of help so commonplace that we don't even perceive them as a form of help anymore? We are afraid of being dependent on others. But what is dependence, and what is autonomy?

In Zorgangst, Anaïs Van Ertvelde tells six stories about old age, disability and bdsm in which she explores our - justified or not - fears of care, dependence and helplessness. She wonders what our fear of care says about our image of man and society, and she argues for a new perspective on care, disability, and autonomy.

paperback, 80p., 183x124mm
published by Academia Press
2022, NL
ISBN 9789401483582
10 euro