11.03.25, 19:30, Louise Souvagie, Fatness + fitness?
In the summer of 2024, writer Louise Souvagie undertook a Six Week Crossfit Challenge. It provided an occasion to reflect on social engineering, heteronormativity in fitness culture and the inherent rebellion of the fat body. After all, isn't being fat and staying fat an act of rebellion in a world that tells us we are in control of our weight?
Fitness is imbued with an idea that we live in battle with our own bodies. When you win, you demonstrate your success with the combination of a successful before and after photo. But what if you live in a body that rejects a timeline from point A to point B? Then you soon fall into a category of people fighting for inclusion for various reasons such as the queer community. Unexpectedly, down-ups and deadlifts lead to the affinity between queerness and the fat body.
After the lecture, Louise Souvagie will be in conversation with activist Philsan Osman. This event takes place as part of the WACF festival and is a collaboration between Studium Generale and VIERNULVIER.
- Louise Souvagie is a writer and moderator. In 2019, she obtained a Master's degree in visual arts from KASK & Conservatorium. She made the podcast ‘GALLERINAS’ and wrote for Rekto:Verso and Extra Extra Magazine. In recent years, she participated in Nieuw Geluid (deBuren), the Week of Art Criticism (Frans Masereel Centrum) and the Mediakaravaan (de lage landen). She teaches art criticism at the Lemmens Institute in Leuven.
- Philsan Osman is co-author of ‘Voor Wie Willen We Zorgen: Ecofeminisme als inspiratiebron’ (EPO 2021). A native of Somalia, she is a writer, activist and community builder.
This lecture will take place at The Minard Theatre —the New Hall is easily accessible for wheelchair users. When purchasing a ticket, please mention that you are a wheelchair user. Then a separate seat will already be reserved for you and your possible companion. Upon arrival at the theatre, you can easily reach the ticket desk via a gentle ramp. Sign in there, and our venue staff will look for escorts. A writing interpreter will be provided. Anyone with further questions about accessibility facilities can contact the organisation: anais.vanertvelde@hogent.be. On the spot, questions can be put to the job student at the desk.
**free for students and staff HOGENT, Howest, UGent and KASK & Conservatorium
Dutch spoken
Romain Deconinckplein 1
9000 Gent