
21.04.24, 16:00, Guided tour in Unpacking Tschichold's library

Guided tour of Tschichold's library unpacked exhibition by Stéphane de Schrevel, open to schools, groups & public.

Reservation for public not necessary, groups can book for free via

Stéphane de Schrevel

Stéphane de Schrevel is a typographer par excellence, working as a book designer for literary and scientific publishers. In addition to his professional practice, he endeavors to pass on his incurable fascination for letterforms (lead, wood, ink, and digital) to a younger generation of graphic designers at KASK & Conservatorium, where he teaches typography. Furthermore, he finds it uncomfortable to write about himself in the third person.


Nederlands gesproken
Campus Bijloke
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent