
29.03.24, 14:00, Guided tour in Unpacking Tschichold's library

Guided tour of Tschichold's library unpacked exhibition by Davide Fornari, open to schools, groups & public.

Reservation for public not necessary, groups can book for free via

Davide Fornari

Davide Fornari is full professor at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, where he has led the applied Research and Development sector since 2016.

He has been a visiting professor at Sapienza University of Rome (2020/2021) and at University of Ferrara (2023/2024). He teaches at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne and at Design Academy Eindhoven (since 2021). Together with Silvia Sfligiotti, he co-edited the magazine “Progetto grafico” (2015–2017). He edited and art directed with Régis Tosetti the monograph Bianca e Blu Monica Bolzoni (Rizzoli international, New York 2019). With Robert Lzicar, he co-edited the book Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland (Triest verlag, Zurich 2016) and co-coordinated the research project Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited(2016–2021). With Davide Turrini, he co-edited the book Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 (Triest verlag, Zurich 2022).


English spoken
Campus Bijloke
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Gent