photo, Johan Pijpops
15.08.24 – 16.08.24, This is not a love song, Fiene Zasada, Joshua Smits i.s.m. Luca Persan
This is not a love song is the graduation performance by Joshua Smits and Fiene Zasada, in collaboration with Luca Persan. They created a performance based on personal desires, their own view of intimacy and the urge for love and friendship.
This is not a love song is an ode to imagination. Two people, on a bed, closed off from the outside world. They want to be both loved and in love. To satisfy those desires, they seek connection with each other. Forcing each other into positions in order to feel something. Something real. Something big. Something compelling. What if the imagination is boundless? How real can it become then?
bijloke wonderland
During Bijloke Wonderland, KASK & Conservatorium presents music, theatre, performance and visual art by students in the courtyard garden, in a former electricity cabin, in a historic tapestry room of STAM and on the bühnes of LOD and International Opera Academy.
LOD muziektheater
Bijokekaai 3,
9000 Gent
Bijokekaai 3,
9000 Gent
15.08.2024, 20:30
16.08.2024, 20:30
16.08.2024, 20:30