
15.08.24 – 01.09.24, Charlotte Bracke, ACCES FOURWAYS!

ACCES FOURWAYS! is an installation born of directions, constructions, defects and vanished parts.   

Charlotte Bracke researched the 'irrelevant' history of the Bijloke site — history not easily found in archives due to the lack of direct interest. This led to an exploration of the fleeting emergence of an informal car park in the 1990s as a result of a faulty barrier.  

Due to the breakdown of a demarcating element — the barrier — the site underwent a temporary transformation of character. What was previously a private site with a public character suddenly became a public site. ACCES FOURWAYS! focuses on the functional aspects and how they can be easily manipulated. It is a structure that tries to make sense of the unstructured: the entrances, the paths, the barricades and the directions in which we are led.  

Technical glitches, such as a non-closing barrier, can cause this garden to turn into a car park and lead us in certain directions.  

Today, ACCES FOURWAYS! is open. Charlotte invites you to enter, explore, wait and observe ACCES FOURWAYS! — everything is allowed. Let yourself be guided by the structure. 

bijloke wonderland
During Bijloke Wonderland, KASK & Conservatorium presents music, theatre, performance and visual art by students in the courtyard garden, in a former electricity cabin, in a historic tapestry room of STAM and on the bühnes of LOD and International Opera Academy.
Bijloke Wonderland, Garden
Godshuizenlaan 2
9000 Gent
opening hours
Thu-Sun, 10:00-21:00
Mo-Wed, closed
more info