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Marijke De Roover, KASKlezing, 08.02.24 Recording of Marijke De Roover's lecturevideoLees, kijk, luistereducation Watering the flowers while it's raining presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesDavid ToopEchoes of Dissent #1 Breath, rhythm, silence, resonance: listening beyond seeing in the films of Trinh T. Minh-­ha publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchLouise De Bosschergraduate My Heavenly Jewel presentationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities Composer Natalie Holt collaborates with KASK & Conservatorium students for Film Fest Gent newsLees, kijk, luistereducationMAP#149, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans & Marthe Huysestudenten grafisch ontwerp To un-fold presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activitiesPedram Kargarartistic researcher Open & Close presentationLees, kijk, luisterresearchSofie Verclyte e.a. Migrating Heritage publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearch VAF Wildcards 2023 Three alumni of KASK & Conservatorium win prizes at VAF WildcardsnewsLees, kijk, luistereducationGiada Cicchettistudent photography Graduate Giada Cicchetti selected for Festival dei Popoli newsLees, kijk, luistereducationDaan Janssensresearcher (…à suivre…) publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchHosiane Iradukunda & Amandine David A dialogue of making presentationLees, kijk, luistereducation Composer Eiko Ishibashi collaborates with KASK & Conservatorium students for Film Fest Gent For its 50th anniversary edition, and in line with its musical DNA, Film Fest Gent releases a new format: FFG Sessions.newsLees, kijk, luistereducationAngela Alsoulimanstudent film Orange Flavored Love How far will love carry someone through the horrors of war? Or, as director Angela Alsouliman seems to put it: What is the limit of an orange?articleLees, kijk, luistereducationMarah Haj Husseinstudent drama Language: no broblem Marah Haj Hussein is a Palestinian, who was born and grew up within the borders of Israel and now lives in Belgium. With four languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English and Dutch) and three alphabets under her belt a personal Babel lurks round every corner. The name of her graduating theatrical performance? Language: no broblem.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationRiles Walshstudent composition The East Complex It’s not every day composition students graduate with an opera, but that’s exactly what Riles Walsh is intent on doing.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationIskander Moensstudent music production Iskander Moon Iskander Moon is the folkpop project of producer and singer-songwriter Iskander Moens. On the Masterworks LP, meaning the vinyl compilation of the graduating class pop / jazz / music production-students, he noteworthily submits the song ‘Borderline’.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationAlexis Gerlachstudent fashion Damsel In Distress (triptych) Alexis Gerlach is one of the nine fashion masters exchanging school workshops for the real field next year. Her project Damsel In Distress (triptych) would by no means be out of place in a museum context.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationKyoko Van Asseltstudent grafiek Bronnen videoLees, kijk, luistereducationKyoko Van Asseltstudent grafiek Bronnen videoLees, kijk, luistereducationGeorge Chinnerystudent fine arts Some sort of informal situation George Chinnery is a poet, who works in mysterious ways. Time for a chat.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationStef Vanbilsenstudent landscape and garden architecture Anti-tank trench Stef Vanbilsen will soon graduate as a landscape and garden architect, with an emphasis on the former.Lees, kijk, luistereducationJuliette Ponsstudent animation film like drops on a bed of embers videoLees, kijk, luistereducationAharon Hovsepyanalumni animation film Visiting Hours videoLees, kijk, luistereducationRomy Buquetstudent master vrije kunsten Rods and Cones presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationQuinten Vanagtstudent fine arts Futures Lost Futures Lost is an art installation that explores the paradigm shifts and dualities of digital media and our human existence.presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationJacob Schoolmeestersstudent vrije kunsten Das nachleben der internet presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationFloor Toppetsalumni fine arts Personal Computer presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationZiya Leminstudent film Icarus, come (trailer) As the unusual friendship of a filmmaker and a little bird flourishes within the confines of a room, their shared moments captured with an iPhone delicately unravel some hidden layers.videoLees, kijk, luistereducationRaindo Siagianstudent fine arts Untitled - Curated by Rosyelinda articleLees, kijk, luistereducationEnid Stassynsstudent graphic design DANGER! QUICK SAND SWAMP articleLees, kijk, luistereducationLouise Dhondtstudent textile design Collect to connect Behold the motley collection of objects by textile student Louise Dhondt.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationTibau Beirnaertstudent drama F A G G O T S presentationLees, kijk, luistereducationNele Demeulemeesterstudent textile design Schering en Inslag articleLees, kijk, luistereducationNadia Smialowskastudent fashion Transience in bloom articleLees, kijk, luistereducation Mastersounds 2023 Graduation Mastersounds: the graduation festival of jazz, pop and music production at De Minard and De Centrale.presentationLees, kijk, luistereducation