Jacob Schoolmeesters
Das nachleben der internet

Movie Still #1 Dogs barking at chemtrails

Movie Still #2 Dogs barking at chemtrails
Das nachleben der internet revolves around the term “Phantom nostalgia”: the longing for an experience, feeling or place one has never experienced. It is a form of nostalgia fuelled by the overflow of images and stories coming from new technologies.

Plotted Drawing “Kiss my ass softly”

Swneeney odd

#1 Das nachtleben der internet

Plotted Drawing ”The Fox and the Hound”
Looking for ways and means, he indulges in playing with how this term might translate to the physical world. Using written and drawn symbols, he creates a world where levity rules and rules are subverted.

Cant be

Cant be
Jacob Schoolmeesters graduated with this project as a master in fine arts, 2023.
The graduation projects of our students were all published on the graduation website. You’ll find everyone’s personal page there as well as the complete festival programme.