Kobe Vanhaeren (°1980) is a qualified landscape architect with additional training in Environmental Sciences at the University of Antwerp. He developed his design skills and knowledge of implementation projects at Proap (Lisbon), as project manager at Bureau Bas Smets (Brussels) and as owner of BXLX Landscape Architecture. From 2012 to 2016, he took charge of the Landscape Architecture Department at BURO II & ARCHI+I (Brussels).
Among other things, Kobe worked on the development for the Master Plan for the 7.7km Scheldt quays, the winning design for the Laaglandpark in Merksem (Antwerp, 422ha), the Eco-wijk Tweewaters (Leuven), the outdoor space for the new hospital in Knokke, the redevelopment of Gemeentestraat in Ternat, the reconversion of brownfields in Brussels (EKLA) and some major infrastructure projects in cooperation with SBE NV in Liège (New access to the CHR de la Citadelle hospital and Improvement of the passage through the Chênée neighbourhood). With the Lisboa Horizontal project and the development of a bicycle GPS, he is seeking links between IT technology, urban planning, topography and sustainable mobility.
Since 2017, Kobe has worked as Project Manager at BUUR, including on the development of the Eco-Quartier Coronmeuse (Liège), Hoekakker in Antwerp, and the softening strategy for Brussels Region roads. As Team Manager, he is responsible for landscape projects in French-speaking Belgium and northern France at BUUR Part of Sweco.
He teaches design practice landscape architecture (Bachelor thesis) at KASK & Conservatorium.