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From Scratch To Scratch
From Scratch to Scratch brings together artists who deconstruct the cultural, social and artistic order shaped by the narration of western masterpieces.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
Expecting the Land
From April to September 2020, six Curatorial Studies students will engage with the aura of two historical domains in West Flanders.
Lees, kijk, luistereducationstudent film De Uitvlucht
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationresearcher Arts of Oblivion
In recent years theorists and practitioners of memory have increasingly turned their attention to memory’s ‘other’, forgetting or oblivion.
articleLees, kijk, luisterresearch
Interview with dean Filip Rathé
Since the beginning of this academic year, KASK & Conservatorium has had a new dean. His name is Filip Rathé. We already knew that he is not someone who seeks the limelight unnecessarily. Onrust therefore decided to take the plunge and knock on his office door ourselves.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationresearchartistic activities
Handel's Serse
A new spring, a new opera production by the Conservatory. This year's programme includes Georg Friedrich Handel's tragicomic Serse (1738). Florian Heyerick is the musical director, Benoît De Leersnyder will direct. Onrust spoke to both teachers. There was room for roguish smiles, but a more serious wrinkle also occasionally cleaved their foreheads. We tackle them in that order. Komitragic, quoi.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationartistic activities Polaroid
publicationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities Bij ons
publicationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities De mens in opstand
publicationLees, kijk, luisterartistic activities
Devine: head in the cloud
Since this year, KASK & Conservatorium is not only the school of arts of HOGENT but also of the Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen (Howest). Because of this new marriage, we are already welcoming our first new member this academic year. The professional bachelor Digital Design and Development, or Devine for short, is located at the intersection of industrial sciences, technology and audiovisual and visual arts. Deviners are customer-focused creatives who bridge the gap between code and design. Their final digital product may take the form of a site, an app or an interactive installation. When their heads aren't in the cloud, the Deviners are using it for projects and study on campus Buda, in Kortijk.articleLees, kijk, luistereducationstudent musical instrument making Deconstruction of a reconstruction
Musical instrument making student Frank Hollinga builds a Cristoforipianofortereplica.
articleLees, kijk, luistereducation
The School of Speculative Documentary
presentationLees, kijk, luisterresearch
Ghent – Carrara – Ghent
articleLees, kijk, luistereducationresearchers Capital Compression
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Import – Export, Friperie
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Takahashi / Nishimura: Piano Music
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Five Works
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker PLUS en Yves De Smet (Posture Pockets No. 1)
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Off the Grid: Histories of Belgian graphic design
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker The Situation As It Is
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher Philippe Vandenberg & Franklin Engeln: Brieven (1986–87)
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker De Collectieve Collectie: Collage
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker De Collectieve Collectie: Verhalen
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker … Through Practices: Choreography as Conditioning #4
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Choreography as Self-Conditioning — A Written Exhibition: Choreography as Conditioning #5
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher Tetsuya Hori: Triadic, for Cello and Piano Four Hands
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher De Collectieve Collectie: Afval of Erfgoed?
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker De Collectieve Collectie: Index
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Orbit
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher Disleksikon
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Thinking Through Circus
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearch MVSC04
publicationLees, kijk, luistereducationresearcher De Collectieve Collectie
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher Mascot Gallery
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchresearcher and then the doors opened again
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearchonderzoeker Practicing Futures through Voicing
Choreography as Conditioning #2
publicationLees, kijk, luisterresearch