Sébastien Hendrickx (BE) is a dramaturge and performance artist. His debut performance The Good Life (2021) was an immersive trip imagining the good life in times of profound ecological mutations. Following the narrative piece Moddertong (2022-2024), he currently works on Palace of Justice (2025-2026), a performative portrait of the Palace of Justice in Brussels.
Over the past 15 years Sébastien Hendrickx has been active as a dramaturge for NTGent, Toneelhuis and KVS, an art critic for different magazines and a teacher at KASK & Conservatorium in Ghent.
From 2014 to 2022 he was part of the editorial team of the theatre magazine Etcetera. As an activist he was involved with Extinction Rebellion and initiated campaigns on democratic innovation (hetburgerparlement.be) and post-growth policies (www.morethanenough.be).
He is doing an artistic research at KASK & Conservatorium on cosmograms, objects representing cosmologies or total worldviews (2022-2026).