finalise enrolment

Je kan het inschrijvingsproces volledig online afwerken als je alle voorgaande stappen hebt gevolgd. Dit houdt in dat je je studieprogramma-aanvraag invult en aan alle toelatingsvoorwaarden (stap 1) voldoet. Daarna wordt je aanvraag verwerkt en ontvang je updates via mail.

update your registration details

When enrolling, you can enter your nickname in addition to your official name. The nickname appears on chamilo, score lists, attendance lists,... But on official documents the official name remains. Do you wish to change your nickname? Mail to your study and learning track counsellor.

By default, the e-mail address consists of The call sign is not included in the automation, but can be changed manually afterwards. Would you like to change your e-mail address? Mail your study and learning track counsellor.